This Fantasy Must End! | Intentional Pauses (and Unforeseen Gaps) Season 3
Fri, 7 March 2025
Breakish Village Hall (Talla Bhreacais) - A87, Isle of Skye IV42 8PY
Further info
Cost: Free (ticketed)
Find out moreType: Event

Kialy Tihngang, ‘Neyinka and the Silver Gong', (2024). Courtesy of the artist.
Aqsa Arif and Hector MacInnes present a special in-person screening event at Breakish Hall, Isle of Skye, in collaboration with ATLAS Arts. Titled This Fantasy Must End!, this screening will include food and refreshments and we warmly encourage you to join us for a bite to eat and a chat about the films. Aqsa and Hector will host a workshop the following day at Ardvasar Hall from 10am.
This Fantasy Must End! highlights the friction between interior and exterior perspectives on identities of place, culture and language. The programmers have chosen work which offers the screen and the speaker as portals between the experience of looking (and listening) out, and looking (and listening) in: the visitor and the visited, here and there, island and mainland, us and them. The pieces focus on subverting fetishistic portrayals of identity, challenging contestations around authenticity and artifice, and leaving open questions about how we belong in, and inhabit, the roles and performances we create for ourselves and other people, both in and out of the shot.
The moving image works will be available to view on the LUX Scotland website for two weeks following the in-cinema screening.
Posted by: LUX Scotland