Board Members at Edinburgh Printmakers
Closing date 27 September 2024
Edinburgh Printmakers is seeking new Board Members to shape and guide our future direction. As a Board Member, you will play a crucial role in safeguarding the future sustainability of our organisation, fostering artistic excellence and contributing to the cultural enrichment of our community.
As current artist board members’ terms end, we wish to recruit new trustees drawn from the membership to shape and guide our future direction.
We are also seeking people with finance, legal, and HR experience, in particular someone with the right skills and experience to chair the Finance and Risk Committee.
Please see the full Board Recruitment Pack here.
You can also find a greyscale version here.
Application Process:
Please submit a full CV along with a covering letter of approximately 600 words (one page) outlining your knowledge, experience and attributes, details of any experience in a similar role, and your reasons for wishing to become a Board Member.
Please send your application to [email protected] with ‘Board Recruitment’ in the subject line.
Application deadline: noon, Mon 21 October
Informal interviews: From Monday 28 October