Join the Board of Trustees (3 vacancies)

Closing date 24 May 2023

Deveron Projects is looking for a new Treasurer for immediate engagement, and additional general Board Members. This is an exciting time to join a passionate team in the ongoing development of an innovative, international arts organisation in the North East of Scotland. 

We are looking for new Board Members/Trustees to support and guide the organisation through an exciting phase of development. We are welcoming expressions of interest for a Treasurer and general Board Members, people with a passion for arts and culture with knowledge/experience across arts and culture, community and organisational development, locally, nationally or internationally based.

Our programme, the artists we support and the communities we are part of are diverse, made of individuals with varied and intersecting lived experiences. We’re committed to forming a Board of Trustees that is representative of the diversity in our communities. We are therefore particularly keen to hear from people who are members of the LGBTQIA+ community, who are BPOC and/or have mixed heritage, people who are disabled and/or are aged under 40 as these broad lived experiences are currently not represented on our Board.

As we are a registered charity the role of trustee is unpaid, although we can reimburse reasonable travel and subsistence, childcare and carer expenses. You need not have previous Board experience and we are committed to training and capacity building across the team. Our board meets approximately 4 times a year for 2 hours at a time.

For more information on these positions please read our Information Pack: Download

To apply to join our Board, please send a cover letter telling us more about you and why you would like to join our team alongside a CV to Natalia Palombo: natalia@deveron-projects by 11.59pm, 24 May 2023. If you’d like to discuss this position informally, please contact Natalia by email or on 01466 794 494.

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