Document for CTEEA Debate on Arts Funding: Update from SCAN on the situation of the visual art sector with regards arts funding and the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic:

Political responses and submissions - 2 November 2020

In April 2019 we responded to the CTEEA Arts Funding Inquiry. At that point we signalled a  crisis in the visual arts due to years of standstill funding and cuts to local authority culture budgets. Some extracts are at the foot of this paper.

Since that time, the Government’s Culture Strategy has been published – and we welcomed its commitment to putting culture at the heart of national wellbeing, focusing on both  artists and organisations both of which bring inspiring, life-changing art to communities  across Scotland.

However, the Covid-19 crisis has threatened the good work being done, and the steps being  made towards recognition by government that the culture sector should be supported and  recognised as an engine for change across all National Performance Framework areas.

Read our document , presented to Joan McAlpine MSP, Convenor of the CTEEA committee, in advance of the parliamentary debate on arts funding taking place on 3rd November 2020.

Download (pdf 181.25 KB)