Our letter to Deputy First Minister John Swinney on the proposed 10% cut to Creative Scotland’s Grant in Aid

Arts funding, Political responses and submissions - 30 January 2023

SCAN members are dismayed that the Culture Budget for 2023-2024 will dramatically weaken cultural provision for audiences in communities across Scotland, and place jobs and fair work for culture sector workers at risk. The proposed 10% cut to Creative Scotland’s Grant in Aid represents a hollowing out of the culture funding after more than a decade of steady erosion. The fragile cultural economy, in the wake of the pandemic, and in the midst of a costs crisis, has memorably been described as experiencing the “perfect storm” by Creative Scotland’s Chief Executive. This cut, which is targeted at the Regularly Funded Organisations, Scotland’s nationwide network of core cultural infrastructure, leaves culture without a lifeboat.

Read our full letter to the Deputy First Minister John Swinney here.

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