Cicely Farrer



Cicely Farrer

Job title



Cicely is a curator and writer based in Dundee. Her curatorial practice is situated across performance, exhibition making, residencies and writing.

Her recent projects include: Do you keep thinking there must be another way, co-curated with Jessica Vaughan, Daria Khan and Ellie Grieg at Mimosa House in London, featuring art by Georgia Horgan, Lee Lozano, Howardena Pindell, Polvo de Gallina Negra, Raju Rage, Georgia Sagri, Emma Talbot and contributions by Rose English, Jennifer Kabat, Caspar Heinemann and Karen di Franco; Disentangle Science in a Gendered World at LifeSpace Dundee including art by Clara Ursitti, Ker Wallwork, Kira O’Reilly & Jennifer Willet and Benny Nemerofsky Ramsay; ‘A Preying Mantis and Clavicle’ a performed text for Echo at Dundee Contemporary Arts

Cicely is Programme & Communications Manager at Hospitalfield in Arbroath. In her role she manages and supports the residency programmes, leads the team in delivering the open weekends and contributes to programme planning and development.

In 2019-20, Cicely was one of the advisors for Curatorial Studio. She is currently part of the panel for VACMA Angus.

She has a BA in History of Art from University of Leeds and an MA in Curating Contemporary Art from Royal College of Art London.

