SCAN Director Moira Jeffrey submits evidence on the impact of Covid-19 to CTEEA Committee

SCAN’s Director Moira Jeffrey attended the meeting of the 3rd Culture, Tourism, Europe and External Affairs Committee today to present evidence on the impact of Covid-19 on SCAN’s Membership and the wider Visual Arts community in Scotland, alongside contributions from Lucy Mason, Interim Chief Executive Officer, Federation of Scottish Theatre, Bill Armstrong, Scotland Chair, Writers Guild of Great Britain and Lynda Graham, President of the Scottish Artists’ Union.

The submission made by SCAN included data gathered by our recent survey, undertaken in partnership with SAU and also included a case study contributed by Dundee Contemporary Arts on the impact of Covid-19 on their organisation. This evidence was vital in putting together the submission and we are grateful for people taking the time to contribute to this survey.

The Official Report of this meeting is due for publication by 6pm on Tuesday 2 February 2021 on the Scottish Government’s website and you can read and download a pdf of SCAN’s submission here.